For immediate release:
Friends in Christ Lutheran Church announces their 2019 Oktoberfest to
be held on October 5, 2018 from 11AM-2PM. Their church is located at
4305 HWY 5 North in Bryant, next to Baptist Health. This event is held
each year for the community to enjoy a Fall day with their family.
Attendees can expect live polka music, dessert sale, a German meal,
games for the kids, hot pretzels, cotton candy, hay ride, and so much
more! With almost 500 in attendance last year, this year is expected to
be the best one, yet! Admission to Oktoberfest is free to the
community (which includes the meal and activities). All attendees are
asked to bring an item of clothing to donate to the Kids Closet. You may
also make a financial donation. The Kids Closet is a community project
partnered with Rotary Club of Bryant. Over 500 kids have been clothed
through the Kids Closet in the last year. Your donation is much
If you are looking for a fun way to kick off the Fall, swing by Oktoberfest
at Friends in Christ Lutheran Church in Bryant.
